10 Things You Can Give To Your Diabetic Father This Year

There are many simple ways you can gift your dad for this Father’s day such as encouraging him to eat healthy food, attend diabetes support meetings, exercise with him and be positive so you can always cheer him up when he’s feeling blue.  While it can be difficult to think of great gift ideas to give your diabetic father, we’ve put together a l...
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What Are The Benefits of Olive Leaf Extract For Diabetes?

Olive leaf extract has long been used in traditional medicine. It comes from the leaves of the olive tree (Olea europaea).  The main component of olive leaf extract is oleuropein. It acts as an:  Anti-viral  Anti-bacterial  Anti-fungal Anti-MRSA  A Natural Antibiotic  Help control blood pressure  May help with allergies  Anti-tumor  Benefits o...
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Health Benefits of Milk Thistle You Should Know

Milk thistle commonly known as silymarin is a herb native to the Mediterranean countries. The most common benefit that it provides is related liver disorders. Many studies have shown that milk thistle helps lower cholesterol levels and helps people manage type 2 diabetes. Benefits of Milk Thistle for the liver: Strengthens hepatocyte (a liver ...
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6 Ways to Treat Your Diabetics Partner on Valentine's Day

Diabetes does not have to take away your opportunity to express your love towards your partner. It is common to have reservations about giving your partner sweet treats such as chocolate, candies, cakes, etc. You have to keep their diabetic condition in mind. Here are some ways in which you can pamper your diabetic partner and have a memorable V...
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7 Health Benefits of Bitter Melon

Bitter melon, also known as bitter gourd, is a unique vegetable fruit that is used as food or medicine. It is the edible part of the plant Momordica Charantia, which is a vine of the Cucurbitaceae family and is considered the most bitter among all fruits and vegetables. The bitter melon itself grows off the vine as a green, oblong-shaped fruit w...
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What is Gymnema Sylvestre?

Gymnema Sylvestre is a plant, which grows in the tropical forests of central and southern India. Gymnema is also known as Asclepias geminata, Gymnema melicida, and Pinus sylvestris. What are its uses? The plant is used in traditional medicine, most notably to control blood sugar. The use of Gymnema as a lipid-lowering agent, for weight loss, and...
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