The Best Dietary Supplements To Improve Neuropathy In 2023

Neuropathy is a debilitating condition that leads to nerve pain, weakness, and numbness. However, there are dietary supplements you can take to improve neuropathy. Today’s blog post will go over those supplements. Some supplements that can improve neuropathy include: Acetyl L Carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, B vitamins, curcumin, fish oil, and N-a...
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Can Benfotiamine Help Alzheimer’s Disease?

Can Benfotiamine Help Alzheimer’s Disease? This what scientists are trying to determine these days. According to Alzheimer's News Today, a large clinical trial has received $45 million in U.S. funding to evaluate the efficacy of benfotiamine — a lab-made precursor of thiamine or vitamin B1 — in slowing the cognitive decline of those with mild Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment
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Where Can I Buy Benfotiamine Supplements

Because the average American diet consists largely of processed and carb-rich foods, Vitamin B1, or thiamine, deficiency is a common struggle, but that’s especially true for patients with diabetes. Because diabetics are less able to absorb thiamine, one study found that they have about 70 percent less thiamine than the average person. 
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The Daily Phone Call - A Father's Day Message

The phone rings and the phone number that shows up in the caller ID is familiar to me.  I will answer this one because I KNOW who is calling and I want to talk - to him!

Too often these days our phones ring and the number is “unavailable” or “unknown” or it comes from a zip code that is local but no name is associated with it.  Too often the caller id is some political entity or an organization that wants your attention, or you may have contributed to in the past but you’re not in a position to repeat the donation this year. We hear regularly that scammers are “reaching out” via phone and internet and we’re cautioned to not engage, no matter what.  Robocalls bombard us throughout the day in spite of the government’s efforts to thwart them. Noise, noise, noise!

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Can I Get Disability and a Handicap Parking Sign For Having Neuropathy?

If you have diabetes and suffer from nerve damage as a result, it’s possible that you’ll qualify for disability due to diabetic neuropathy. Because high blood sugar can damage the body’s delicate nerve fibers, those with neuropathy may experience lessened ability to walk, stand, or control muscle movements. In some cases, chronic pain results, f...
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