BenfoBoost: Glucose Support Formula Supplement
From $34.95Feel Better
Benfotiamine May be Your Solution
Though individual experience differs, our clients have seen tremendous benefits over the past 16 years using Benfotiamine to assist with neuropathy-related pain.
GET OUR BEST DEAL NOW!What Is Benfotiamine?
Benfotiamine is a special synthetic, fat-soluble form of Vitamin B1. Benfotiamine is highly effective at increasing measurable levels of Vitamin B1 in its active coenzyme form. In this form, Benfotiamine can be taken orally, allowing the right amount of Vitamin B1 into your blood stream to support your nervous system.
Benfotiamine Supplements from BenfoComplete
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Neuropathic Foot Pain?
"Dietary supplements play a role in managing diabetic neuropathy" according to the Mayo Clinic.
Get Yours Now & Feel BetterVitamin B-1/ Benfotiamine
"It's present naturally in some foods, but you need more than a regular diet can provide. It plays a number of roles in the body, including helping with proper nerve function and red blood cell production." Mayo Clinic
SAVE when you buy 3 bottles or moreSuccess Stories
I'm never leaving home without my Benfotiamine again! I ran out on a trip overseas - BIG MISTAKE. Benfotiamine relieves the numbness in both feet, hands and finger tips.

It has only been about 3 weeks but my life has been transformed.. the pain in my feet is virtually gone and I fully expect over the coming months to notice improvements in other areas.

I have been using Benfotiamine for symptoms of diabetic neuropathy since 2000. From the balls of my feet to the tips of my toes I was feeling “disconnected." I am happy to report that Benfotiamine literally stopped the discomfort in my feet.

Frequently Asked Questions
Benfotiamine is a lipid-soluble, synthetic form of Vitamin B-1 (thiamine.) Developed in Japan in the early 1960’s and used by the Germans to treat alcoholic neuritis, it is absorbed by the body better than natural B-1. Benfotiamine is a dietary supplement that is used to treat neuropathy and is currently being used in Alzheimer research studies to slow disease progression.
Our business is a business based upon the goal of living a better life! As time goes by, we lose a large amount of our youthful energy. We all experience this, so we decided to find a solution! After years of research, we developed a unique formulation of B Vitamins to help you feel your best every day. This was the genesis of OUR company! Benfotiamine.Net, Inc. is very much a family-owned business started by a U.S. Veteran family in Palm Beach County, Florida U.S.A.
BenfoComplete is the ORIGINAL provider of Benfotiamine in the United States and has been in the business of providing relief to our family of customers since 2003. We remain committed to making high quality Benfotiamine available to the public as conveniently and inexpensively as possible. Our products are manufactured in FDA-approved labs in the US and receive extensive quality control inspections before, during and after production.
Our niche is Benfotiamine. We are a small family business and have our fingers on every key aspect of the business of serving YOU, our Benfo-family. We work with other small businesses and manufacturing labs that have integrity, honesty, and teams of inspectors that ensure the highest quality leave our doors and get to yours. We have a 90-day guarantee for first time purchasers and are ALWAYS willing to do the best for our customers.
Research shows, and our recommended most effective daily dose is 600 mg – 2 capsules in the morning and 2 in the evening (with or without food as you prefer.) Some customers feel more comfortable taking additional capsules and that works with the G150 (Regular) Benfotiamine, but more than 4 multi-B capsules will be a waste of the water-soluble Bs – no need to spend extra $ for no value. If you find that “more is better” we recommend a combination of G150 and Multi-Bs or Multi-Bs and BenfoBoost.
Yes, if you contact us right away (call 888-493-8014.) We strive to get your order out the door and, in the mail, the same day as the order is placed (if before 12:00 pm ET weekdays.) We do not want customers experiencing pins and needles/numbness for any longer than necessary – we recommend our AutoShip & Save program once you determine the best regimen – Free shipping on all US retail orders and they will arrive on the schedule you set up – never run out!