The Best Dietary Supplements To Improve Neuropathy In 2023

Neuropathy is a debilitating condition that leads to nerve pain, weakness, and numbness. However, there are dietary supplements you can take to improve neuropathy. Today’s blog post will go over those supplements. Some supplements that can improve neuropathy include: Acetyl L Carnitine, alpha-lipoic acid, B vitamins, curcumin, fish oil, and N-a...
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10 Ways B Vitamins Maintain Energy During Quarantine

As the period of quarantine continues around the world, patients with diabetes continue to be at greater risk of developing complications related to the COVID 19 virus. Aside from taking necessary precautions to protect against exposure to the virus, people living with diabetes can proactively improve their diets to boost their immune systems and their overall physical health. 
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How Diabetics Can Plan for Coronavirus Before They Get Sick

Coronavirus has disrupted life as we know it, but as the quarantine continues, patients with diabetes can take a proactive role in their own health. Though diabetic patients don’t have greater chances of contracting the virus, they have a greater likelihood of complications if they do get sick, especially if their diabetes is uncontrolled. By planning ahead and preparing for a variety of possibilities, you can protect yourself and ensure your continued health.
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5 Healthy Alternative Halloween Treats

Did you know that during Halloween people consume more than 7,000 calories of sugar and that more than 600 million pounds of candy are given out each year? Now that’s a lot of sugar! But, there are alternative treats you can have this Halloween.  We gathered 5 alternative treats you can make or have this year. They are simple and most impo...
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Can I Get Disability and a Handicap Parking Sign For Having Neuropathy?

If you have diabetes and suffer from nerve damage as a result, it’s possible that you’ll qualify for disability due to diabetic neuropathy. Because high blood sugar can damage the body’s delicate nerve fibers, those with neuropathy may experience lessened ability to walk, stand, or control muscle movements. In some cases, chronic pain results, f...
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15 Instagram Profiles That Can Help You Cope With Diabetes

The average person spends about 53 minutes a day using Instagram. If you count yourself among them, you should note that Instagram, like many other social media platforms, is full of great information for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Research has shown that people who are facing illness benefit greatly from the support of others who...
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